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What We Do

Research Briefs

HDA can produce research briefs for clients based on a discrete question or a data set important to your community. Concise fact sheets showing key housing trends and affordability metrics by legislative district have helped clients like the Campaign for Housing and Civic Engagement educate candidates on the most salient housing issues in their own backyard.



CHACE Fact Sheet for Virginia House of Delegates District 8 (2017)

Policy Briefs

HDA can generate informative explainers to help make sense of complex national, state, and/or local housing policies. These policy briefs break down important legal and regulatory concepts, outline what is or isn’t allowed, and use relevant best practices from other communities as useful examples. HDA can further strengthen these briefs by incorporating detailed quantitative analysis, stakeholder engagement, literature reviews, and other fact-finding methods to provide you with the most comprehensive perspective possible. Suggested approaches to implement such policies can be generalized or custom-tailored to meet your objectives.



City of Winchester Affordable Housing Policy Briefs (2023)

Scenario Modeling

HDA can blend its programmatic and data expertise to help project outcomes for any new, revised, or expanded housing initiatives you’d like to explore. Often included with policy analysis or program development services, our unique scenario modeling process can illustrate how different funding levels, targeted priorities, and design elements determine the efficiency and effectiveness of your proposed program. We provide an open-source, replicable methodology along with easy-to-understand visualizations of model results.



City of Alexandria Local Rent Subsidy Program Study (2024)

Housing Needs Assessment

A housing needs assessment focuses on collecting, analyzing, and presenting quantitative data on the housing needs of a locality or region. Qualitative data from interviews, surveys, or focus groups can also be leveraged to provide key insights, amplifying the quantitative data utilized. Findings from a housing needs assessment may be used to help develop a policy agenda for addressing gaps in local and regional housing arenas.



Richmond Regional Housing Framework (2020, 2023 Update)

Program Development

For clients looking to explore a new program or who need assistance developing a proposal for their new housing and development program, HDA can outline the best practices, recommended steps, key stakeholders, and costs associated with implementation of your idea. These results can be developed into an action plan, outlining the program and implementation process to funders and stakeholders for the client’s use. We also help clients explore opportunities for new proposals in the first place, which includes sharing our expertise in identifying and securing grants from public and private funders. In each case, we help transform ideas and aspirations into real, meaningful action.



Virginia LISC Proposal for Wells Fargo WORTH Program (2022)

Real Estate Development

If you’re interested in developing affordable housing in your community, HDA can help. From simple concepts to move-in day, we know how to get both affordable rental and for-sale homes off the ground. HDA staff have extensive private and nonprofit sector experience in financing and building affordable residential and mixed use projects.



Urban Hope is a Richmond-based client that hired HDA to grow and manage their pipeline  of affordable rental properties. Most recently, they have received over 1 million in funding to renovate and refinance 16 units in their core Church Hill portfolio.

Operations and Administration

HDA currently staffs multiple housing nonprofits. By serving as staff, hired by the board directly, these organizations—whether emerging and established—benefit from dedicated, long-term engagement beyond what traditional consulting services can offer. These arrangements also deliver a multitude of skills and experience at a fraction of the cost required to hire full-time staff.



HousingForward Virginia

Capacity Building

HDA staff have the expertise to grow the capacities and capabilities of emerging or expanding organizations. We can help build out new processes that support an organization’s strategic plan and ensure it thrives. These consultations include but are not limited to the following:

  • Data collection and visualization

  • Program analysis

  • Financial alternatives

  • Program management

  • Strategic planning related to housing



Homeward Strategic Plan (2022)

Speaking Engagements

HDA often presents to a range of stakeholders for clients. We are regularly hired to provide a non-technical overview of affordable housing and the scope of housing needs across Virginia, to lead sessions on specific housing topics at conferences, and to share policy and research outcomes with community members. HDA also commonly represents clients in speaking engagements to complement other program or policy services. We pride ourselves on delivering straightforward, engaging, and memorable talks that equip audiences with everything they need to start becoming their own housing experts.



NVAHA Inclusionary Zoning Lunch & Learn (HousingForward Virginia, 2024)

Or... Whatever!

We are a dynamic organization with diverse expertise. HDA reserves the right to take on paying clients that are cool, but don’t necessarily fit the above services. Rock on!

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